
Rainwater Catchment Systems Project for
Indigenous Beginning Ranchers and Farmers

Native American Agriculture Grant

Because of the generous  support from the Native American Agriculture Fund (NAAF), we have the opportunity to provide Rainwater Catchment System installations to 49 Indigenous beginning farmers and ranchers in the ancestral lands of the Apache, Hopi, Navajo, and Pueblo Nations (modern-day Southwest). This is going to lead to a lasting and powerful impact on these communities, enhancing water security for food growing and ranching as well as the ability to create a thriving, self-sufficient food system.

You Can Help Support This Important Work

One of the communities we are working with has offered to cover costs for 9 additional installs if Seeds in Common can fund the cost for the contractors! While NAAF is providing the majority of the funding, this has led to a shortfall - and we are asking our community to help support the implementation of this project. Any donation sent to Seeds in Common will be earmarked for this project until the additional costs of project are procured. You can be part of the reason this project sees success in 2024!

support water access

Please make checks payable to:

Seeds in Common
PO Box 4996
Scottsdale, AZ 85261

contact us: admin(@)seedsincommon.org

or donate here

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